Sunday, April 28, 2013

Another version of my Popup SMS notifier

in my earlier entry, i have posted the script about how to make the popup sms notifier via python sl4a script.

and i also said i am wanting to improve it with full screen reply inputting layout.

i am sure python sl4a script can make it, but to do that, i will have to learn how to make the layout done by javascript first.

it is not gonna be easy, since i don't have too much time, so i have to get another easier way.

according to a suggestion of my friend, i have done some modifications for the reply message part.

now you will see full screen layout by then. below it is the screenshot to show you the demostration.

here you go~~~~

 this is the first part you will see while there is any incoming sms messaages.

 this is what happens while you press reply button.