Sunday, May 12, 2013

New project----via tasker to get live status view of your contacts while calling them

New project----via tasker to get live status view of your contacts while calling them

i have been spending a couple days on this new project, some details still need to be polished though.

it is to get the contacts live status view while you are dialing them. tasker would detect automatically whom you are dialing and get the live status of this contacts.

that sounds awesome, right?

and you actually don't have to manually trigger any live profile at all, just set up some specific live status profiles in tasker, eg. wifi connected home wireless router (home mode), wife not connected home WIFI (out of home). likewise, for work mode.

and there is more than that. read on, please.






calling status--on the phone mode

phone status--sleep mode, car mode.......

location update--cell near report(outside mode plus)

live emotion status--totol customization by end user(updated on a text widget or scene on launcher desktop)

outside mode: once you left the pre-defined specific wifi network(work or home), it would auto switch to outside mode. saying i am outside........

once you are getting a phone call, right after you answer the phone call, (offhook event) tasker could popup notify you if you wanna share your current location info, if yes, it would auto collect your current location information and auto update your status to show up to the caller.

once you press dail button, then tasker could take care of the rest of work, which getting access to the local database and the remote server to fetch the updated live status data of the recipient you are calling.

if the recipient is currently under outside mode, once tasker recognizes it then will wait a few seconds the re-get http data from his dropbox to get his location information if available.

hereinafter it is some snapshots which i took on my HTC droid FYI.

in-call live view----- this is what you will see while calling the recipient.

 contacts live view widget---- you may get their updates anytime, no need to call to fetch it.

 and you may even have the options to call or text them conveniently.

 my live feed widget---- this is the live view of my own, easliy to get updated on the launcher desktop.

how to make it?

(to be continued........)   ^_^!!


  1. would be grateful if you share the profile with us

    1. Hi,

      glad to see your first comment of this post here. it seems this post is not attracting enough to get people's attention.

      that is why i didn't publish the profile details so far.

      anyway, if you are reall that much interested, i will consider of that too.

      Let me know your thought.


  2. Wow, this will take a while to make lol. I wish I could copy paste it.
